Chapter 3. Term In Using ICT

A. Multiple Choice

  1. a.
  2. c.
  3. b.
  4. e.
  5. e.
  6. a.
  7. a.
  8. c.
  9. a.
  10. c.
B. Essay
  • Question!!
  1. Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal softwares ?
  2. Discribe the difference between ethics and morality in the society ?
  3. What is meant by the patent rights of a products ?
  4. what is the office suit ? mentions examples of office suit ?
  5. Name several examples of applications system that is compatable with windows vista operating system ?

  • Answer!!
  1. a. ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
    b. turn on the CPU by pressing the ON or POWER button on the casing.
    c. turn on the MONITOR by pressing the ON or POWER button on the monitor.
    d. wait until the BOOTING procedure are finished.
  2. The button is used only if the computer hangs or crashes.
  3. a. By using shortcuts on the desktop
    b. by using start menu
  4. Word processor is the software for documenting letters, books, reports, thesis, work paper, etc.EX : MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007, ABIWORD, OPEN OFFICE .org
  5. a. Word processor
    b. Graphics suite
    c. web browser
    d. using calculator to calculate matemathical operation
    e. using paint to simple drawing
    f. using Wordpad to type simple documents

Chapter 2.Understanding Functions and Operations Of Vorius Information and Communication Technology Devices

Evaluation Of Chapter 2

A.Multiple Choice
1. A.every input that is received by a computer
2. A. an input thats is received by a computer
3.B. user-input-CPU-output-user
4. B. base-2 umber system
5. E. 0 and 1
6. E. 8
7. C. speaker
8. B. control unit
9. B. Man
10. C. ring topology

1.The letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2. A. control unit is to translate comands in a series and then continoues them to the entire computer prats.
B. arithmetic logic unit (AU) is tto process data by adding, substractig, comparing, and using logical formulas.
C. memory is collect data to run an appliction program. the capability depens on the memory capacity, which is state in byte, kybte, mybte and gbyte unit.
3.ROM (Read Only Memory). ROM is to save computer operation progrm, such as BIOS and booting.
4.ethernet, arcnet, and token rig.
-STP cable (shielded twisted pair)
-Coaxial Cable

Chapter 1. Basic Operating System

A. Multiple Choice
  1. A
  2. C
  3. E
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
B. Essay

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