Evalution Of Semester 2

A. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. A
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. A
B. Essay

1. Explain how to change dekstop background !
2. What is the us of screen saver ?
3. Name and explain briefly the divice that can enhance the picture quality !
4. What is the advantage of managing file ?
5. How to cancel a deletion in the Recycle Bin ?
6. Name and explain briefly about the control size buttons !
7. What is the Print Preview icon for ?
8. What icon is used for writing mathematical equations or formulas ?
9. Decribe the steps to create page numbers !
10. How to set distance among sentence ?

Answer .

1. a. On the personalization page , choose background
    b. Choose the background to be used in the background options box
    c. clik ok when you finish

2. screen saver is to protect the screen from electron that jumps in high speed because of the magnetic and electric field efect inside the monitor tube.

3.    * VGA card (a graphic card)
       * AGP (accelerated graphic port)
       * PCI Express

4. useful file management for managing files you want to set for the file is not cluttered and looks neat . can also serve as a rescue when windows were damaged to survive in the computer.

5. a. choose the recycle bin icon in the folder panel
    b. next , right click in choose restore

6. a. Close --> to close the windows
    b. Restore --> to re-show the previous size the window
    c. minimize --> to hide the window

7. print preview --> to preview the document before print

8. equation

9. a. click the insert tab
    b. click page numbers until the page numbers location option appears
    c. from those option , we determine the page number position , for example to put the page number on the bottom of the page choose the bottom of page (footer). then choose the preferred format.
    d. to set the number format , click the insert tab then click page number , the choose the format page number icon until the page number format dialog box appears

10. a. select the texs to be set
      b. click on the home tab , choose the dialog box louncher on the font group tho show the font dialog box
      c. choose the character spacing
      d. scale option is to set the scale to adjust the space among character
      e. spacing option is to adjust the space among charater
      f. position option is to set the character position towards a line

Evalution Of Chapter 5

A. Multiple Choice

 1. A
 2. C
 3. D
 4. B
 5. B
 6. D
 7. C
 8. D
 9. C

B. Essay
  1. What is the difference between first line indent and hanging indent?
  2. how to insert a new column in a table?
  3. a. What is ribbon?
      b. Name pats of the ribbon
  4. a. How to set the spacing in a script?
      b. Name type of script.
  5. Explain briefly on how to make a mass letter using the mail merge facility.

1. * First line indent
      It is to align according to preference, either letters or numbers on the first line of a word or a sentence
      that has been blocked
    * hanging indent
       It is to align according to preference on the letter or number on the second line, third, and so on with in a
       blocked sentence.

2. a. Place the cursor on a table that will be inserted a column.
    b. Click the  Layout tab look in the Rows & Columns group.
    c. If we are to insert a column on the right side of the table, click Insert Right, where as to insert a new
        column  on the lift side, click Insert Left
3. a.) a ribbon is an interface where a set of toolbars are placed on tabs in a tab bar.
    b.) The part of the ribbon is Home, Insert, Page Layout,
          Reference, Mailings, Review,, View.
4. a.) To set line spacing in a paragraph in Microsoft Word can be removed after they finish typing or when
     prior to typing. If after typing a paragraph or do I block all scripts that want to set line spacing, then click
     on the small triangle icon seperpti in the picture below, underneath you will see several options the size of a
     space, there are a choice of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 , and 3, please select one.

    b.) Name type of script are Meeting inviation, Letter of Offer Goods, Notice, Certificate, Certificate in the
         Field of Education and others.
         Other answer version or complete version :
         a. word script
         b. letter script (single letter and mass letter or mail merge)
         c. brocure script
         d. certificate scirpt
         e. notice script
         f.  table script
         g. graphic script
         h. image script
         i. diagram script
         j. chart script
        k. word art script
         l. mathematic script specially equation editor
       m. dumerical script
5.  - Open a new document, then click on the Mailing tab,
     - Choose Start Mail Merge and click Letter
     - Afterwards, you can make a mail merge main document as seen below .

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